Work on the cervico-dorsal area. The Greek god of medicine Asclepios practice on his daughter Hygie. Pre-Pythagorean period (absence of the caduceus). Technique known and practiced by etiopaths.
Work on cervical for torticollis with occipital neuralgia. Improvement of torticollis on the session.
Work on an elbow sprain by Egyptians with wrist control. Technique known and practiced by etiopaths.
Work on a right elbow sprain with wrist control. Very effective.
Work on a dorso-lumbar column. Difficult to imagine the practice of this technique currently without the etiopathic table.
Work on lumbago dorso-lumbar. Very impressive, sometimes requiring a digestive system control before.
Father of all instrumental and non-instrumental surgeons. Former Surgeon and Bonesetters of the King. Appreciated by all the Bonesetters of his time, ancestor of the Etiopaths.
Anatomy is the basis of studies of etiopathy. 6 demanding years are required to have the honor of practicing the trade.
Léonard de Vinci - vascular anatomy of woman , previous view.
Care after a work on a dislocation of the right knee. The patient is still in shock. Technique used only by the most seasoned.
Work on a right patellar dislocation. Recurrences may require an instrumental surgery performed by an orthopedic surgeon.
Work on a dislocation of the right shoulder. Old technique but sometimes necessary when anesthesia is lacking.
Inventor of the Chiropractic. Work on the spine. Powerful technical attention that no longer has to prove itself today.
Work on a lumbar spine. Same technique, same success. Attention, technique requiring a long learning.
Son of the inventor of the Chiropractic. He has improved the technique over the years. Work on lumbar spine.
Inventor of Etiopathy. He was inspired by all that was yesterday and today the art of Bonesetters. He created the etiopathic reasoning, only used today by trained and graduated etiopaths. He is the one who has given everything to make etiopathy its current radiance.